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Your privacy is important to us. We take great care with how we collect, store and use your personal information.


1. About This Privacy Policy


1.1 Who Are We?


Name: Tunnel Tree Tops Limited

Address: Tunnel Tree Tops Ltd., Westover Hill, Charmouth, Dorset, DT6 6BY

Contact E-mail:


1.2 How To Use This Privacy Policy


Please read this Privacy Policy carefully as it sets out how Tunnel Tree Tops Ltd collects and uses personal information about you, according to the General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR). Please check these pages from time to time to ensure you are aware of any updates that we may make, and that will take effect as soon as they are made.


1.3 What This Notice Covers


This policy covers the personal information we may hold about you. We collect information at different points during your interaction(s) with us. For example, when you browse our website, sign up to receive marketing, sign up to our customer area or make a booking for our high ropes activity. This privacy notice does not cover the links within this site to other websites and we encourage you to read the privacy statements on other websites you visit.


1.4 What Is Meant By 'Personal Data'?


Personal data means any information relating to an individual which can identify them, directly or indirectly. The Information Commissioner’s Office states that this can include a wide range of identifying information such as name, email address, postal address, mobile number, location etc.


2. Reasons Why and How We Use Your Personal Data 


This privacy notice tells you what information is collected, why it is used, how long it may be kept and who it may be shared with. The notice applies to information we collect about you when you engage with us, including in any of the following ways:


When you use our online channels


  • Browsing our website

  • Engaging with our social media or our social channels

  • Buying a gift voucher


When you respond to or ask for marketing


  • Entering one of our competitions

  • Sign up to receive direct marketing


When you visit us on-site


  • Make a booking

  • Sign a disclaimer or Acknowledgement of Risk

  • Are involved in an incident

  • Receive medical attention

  • Give an online review

  • Request a charity donation/ gift/ contribution

  • Sign up to our Partnership Programme


2.1 When You Use Our Online Channels


The scenarios below explain how we collect and use your data when you use our online channels in these ways.




What information do we collect?

We collect information about your computer such as browser, network location, type of connection and device, IP address. This is done using cookies – see our Cookie Policy for more information.


Why and how it is used?

The type of information gathered is to determine how the website is working and to enable us to report any issues with its information and functionality to improve the user experience to our website users. We also analyse the data collected in an anonymised way; looking at the overall usage and trends through reporting and analysis.


Where do we look after it?

We keep the information on servers operated by our hosting provider and our analytic provider.


Who do we share it with?

This data is for our own use and we do not share it further.


How long do we keep it for?

Most of the data is collected as part of the website analysis and the data is kept on an ongoing basis. In addition, each cookie type retains information for a different length of time. See our Cookie Policy for more information.




What information do we collect?

We collect information about your engagement with us on our social media sites, such as Facebook, Instagram and Google.


Why and how do we use it?

When you respond to one of our adverts or posts by clicking a link that takes you to our website, we track that activity from a special cookie or tag that the social media platform uses and reports to our analytics tool. We collect this information to help us understand the success of our advertising, the type of content and information you liked, and other social activity, which helps us plan future campaigns and communications of interest to our target customers.

We analyse the data collected in an anonymised way; looking at the overall usage and trends that the collective data provides through reporting and analysis.


Where do we look after it?

We keep the information on servers operated by our hosting provider and our analytic provider.


Who do we share it with?

The analytics data is for our own use and we do not share it further.


How long do we keep it for?

Most of the data is collected as part of the website analysis and the data is kept on an ongoing basis. In addition, each cookie type retains information for a different length of time. See our Cookie Policy for more information.




When you buy a gift voucher, you will follow the same online purchase process as in the ‘Make a Booking’ section below.


2.2 When You Visit Our Site


You can make a booking for Tunnel Tree Tops Ltd on our website, over the phone, or, in pre-arranged situations, when you arrive on site. Before you can participate in the high ropes activity, you will need to sign a disclaimer and an acknowledgement of risk. If you are involved in an accident or incident, we have a process that we need you to follow, which will include the potential collection of additional information.




What information do we collect?

When you make a booking with us, whether online, by phone, or on site, we require certain personal information to deal with your booking. The following is generally required as minimum: name, email address, phone number, postal address, and payment card details or information relating to your company for group bookings. If you have any additional needs, you may need to provide more information.


Why and how do we use it?

The information we request from you is required to finalise your booking including taking your payment, and to ensure we can provide your activity.


Where do we look after it?

We keep your information in our booking system and customer databases, operated by our hosting provider.


Who do we share it with?

We will also share certain details with other companies that we work with under contract to process your payment and fulfil your booking, such as with our payment partner.


After your session with us, our booking partner (Bookeo) will invite you to review and post your experience with us on their platform. This email would also include links to alternative review sites such as Tripadvisor and Google Reviews. We encourage you to read through their individual privacy policies before posting a review.


How long do we keep it for?

We are required by industry standards to keep your details for a minimum of six years after your visit. When posting a review, you will need to address the individual website's Privacy Policy for this information.




What information do we collect?

When you arrive for your session at Tunnel Tree Tops Ltd., you will be asked to read and sign a Risk Acknowledgement and Disclaimer for your activity. This will include providing your name, age and signature and any medical conditions that you believe may affect you during your time with us. A parent, guardian or carer must sign for each child under 18 years of age that they are supervising.


Why and how do we use it?

We ask for this information to ensure you have read and understood the risks of taking part in the activity, as they can all be dangerous if instructions and safety measures are not followed. The forms are used in the event of any claim and helps improve safety standards by tracking any accidents, should they occur.


Where do we look after it?

We save the information on the paper form you signed and keep it in the site reception until the end of the active season of your visit. The forms are then moved to our locked storage facility.


Who do we share it with?

We do not share this information unless you have an accident whist on-site or another issue that needs to be investigated - in which case - we may need to share the form with, for example, parents of a child you were supervising, our solicitors or insurers, or other agencies as may be required by law – see ‘Sharing due to legal requirements’ section below.


How long do we keep it for?

Forms will be kept for a period sufficient to cover Limitation Act claims. Consequently, most forms will be kept for six years. Those relating to individuals under the age of 18 may be kept until they are 21 years of age or for a total of six years, depending on which is longer.




What information do we collect?

When you book with us, if you have any pre-existing medical conditions or needs, you will be asked to make a note of these on our disclaimer. In each instance we will collect your name and signature, but some forms require additional information. Each child under 18 years of age must be signed for by either a parent, guardian or carer, dependent on the disclaimer.


Why and how do we use it?


We issue disclaimers for the following:

- Existing physical injury or condition - If you have a pre-existing injury or condition but still wish to take part in an activity, we will ask you to sign a form declaring this including providing details of the injury or condition.

- Hearing impaired - If you have hearing difficulties, we will agree with you any additional adjustments to the safety brief to assure your safety and will ask you to sign the form agreeing to follow the rules.

- Additional needs - If you have a medical or physical disability, we will ask you to declare the needs which are to be accommodated. We may agree to provide you with additional assistance or increased supervision and will ask you to sign the form agreeing to this.


We ask for this information to ensure you have read and understood the additional risks of taking part in the activity. This is a legal requirement to ensure:

  • we have brought the risks to your attention;

  • where appropriate we have devised additional support in accordance with your specific conditions;

  • you have understood and accepted any additional risks and agree to any additional rules and support.


The forms are used in the event of any claim and to help improve safety standards by tracking any accidents, should they occur.


Where do we look after it?

We save the information on the paper form you signed and keep it in the booking office onsite until the end of the active season of your visit. The forms are then moved to our locked storage facility.


Who do we share it with?

We do not share this information unless you have an accident whist on-site or another issue that needs to be investigated, in which case we may need to share the form with, for example, medical personnel if you need medical attention, our solicitors or other agencies as may be required by law – see ‘Sharing due to legal requirements’ section below.


How long do we keep it for?

Forms will be kept for a period sufficient to cover Limitation Act claims. Consequently, most forms will be kept for six years. Those relating to individuals under the age of 18 may be kept until they are 21 years of age or for six years, depending on which is longer.




What information do we collect?

If you have an accident whether causing injury or not, we will collect details on a form about the event - including at minimum - your name, age, gender, address, contact number and the same for the adult should they be supervising a junior that was involved.

Similarly, if you are involved in an incident we will collect your name, age, gender, address, phone number.

It may also be necessary to take injury details, witness statements and photographs to document what happened.


Why and how do we use it?

We will collect this information so that we can comply with our policies and any legal requirements to investigate what happened, ensure our first-aider and any other medical professionals tending to you can provide you with the appropriate care, and take any other administrative actions required. It is required by law to keep a record of accidents and treatment, and to register attendance by a medical professional. The forms are also used in the event of any claim and to help improve safety standards by tracking any accidents, should they occur.


Where do we look after it?

We save the information on the paper form you signed and keep it in the booking office onsite until the end of the active season of your visit. The forms are then moved to our locked storage facility, together with any disclaimers you would have signed.


Who do we share it with?

We do not share this information unless with, for example, medical personnel if you need medical attention; our solicitors or other agencies as may be required by law – see ‘Sharing due to legal requirements’ section below.


How long do we keep it for?

We keep the information in case there is a claim about the cause of the accident and/or the treatments received. information will be kept for a period sufficient to cover Limitation Act claims. Consequently, most forms will be kept for six years. Those relating to individuals under the age of 18 may be kept until they are 21 years of age or for six years, depending on which is longer.


2.3 Marketing Activities


From time to time, Tunnel Tree Tops Ltd. offer a range of competitions and promotions to its customers and prospective customers, which you are welcome to sign up to, or participate in. This may include you signing up to marketing directly from us or following a social media channel.




What information do we collect?

If you sign up to receive our marketing emails we will as a minimum collect your name and email address.

If you have signed up to receive marketing alongside another action such as when you made a booking, we will not request any additional information.


Why and how do we use it?

We will use this information to send you marketing from time to time, which includes updates on discounts, competitions and other news we feel may be of interest to you.


Where do we look after it?

We keep your information in our bookings system and customer databases operated by our hosting partners.


Who do we share it with?

We will share your data with other partners we work with under contract in the fulfilment and administration of our marketing, including our email host provider or mailing house. Aside from such instances we will not share your information with others unless we have your permission to do so.


How long do we keep it for?

We keep this information on a on-going basis until you, the customer, unsubscribes from the mailing list or requests to be removed by contacting Tunnel Tree Tops Ltd.




What information do we collect?

If you entered a competition or prize draw through our website, social channels or at our site location, we will collect your name and email address as a minimum, to accompany your entry, whether a prize draw or a skill-based competition.


Why do we collect and use it?

We need this so that we can administer the competition or prize draw and contact the winner(s) to arrange their prize.


Where do we look after it?

We keep your information in customer databases operated by our hosting partners.


Who do we share it with?

This data is for our own use and we do not share it further.


How long do we keep it for?

We will keep details of those who entered a competition until the winner has been successfully selected and contacted to arrange delivery of the prize(s), after which the entries will be deleted/ destroyed or removed.


2.4 Other Reasons You May Share Personal Details With Tunnel Tree Tops Limited.




What information do we collect?

If you apply for some vouchers to use as a raffle or other prize at a community or charity fund-raising event, you will give us your name, email address and phone number, along with details about the charity you are supporting.


Why do we collect and use it?

We will use this information to contact you if your application is successful and to arrange your vouchers and any leaflets you require to be sent to you.


Where do we look after it?

We keep this information in our customer database operated by our hosting partner.


Who do we share it with?

This information is for our own use and we do not share it further.


How long do we keep it for?

We keep the information on an on-going basis unless otherwise requested by the individual/ organisation involved.




What information do we collect?

If you apply to join our Partnership Programme, we will request the organisation’s name, description, your name, a contact email address, contact number and any details regarding the organisation represented as well as an accompanying organisation decal or logo.


Why do we collect and use it?

We will use this information to ensure that you qualify for the Partnership Programme and so that we can amend the booking criteria and display the partnership logo on our website.


Where do we look after it?

We keep this information in our booking system and customer database operated by our hosting partner.


Who do we share it with?

This information is for our own use and we do not share it further - with the exception of the organisation's name and logo/ decal - which may be displayed on our website which your written permission.


How long do we keep it for?

We keep the information on an on-going basis unless otherwise requested by the requested entity.


3. Tunnel Tree Tops ltd Marketing Activities




If you have given us your consent to receive marketing communications from us by email, we will send you emails from time to time about our news, offers, competitions and activities. This is an opt-in choice by ticking a box during a booking process or through a customer request and individuals will not automatically be enrolled. 


4. Cookies


We use cookies for the functionality of our website, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. We also share information about your use of our site with our social media, advertising and analytics partners who may combine it with other information that you’ve provided to them or that they’ve collected from your use of their services. See our Cookies Policy for more details of the types of cookies we use and how you block them if you wish.


5. Storing And Sharing Your Information




The data that we collect from you will always be stored on secure servers belonging to our service providers, unless otherwise stated in the individual scenarios in Section 3 above. Unless stated otherwise in Section 3 above, all information will be stored within the EEA*. 


* EEA is the European Economic Area which includes EU, EFTA (European Free Trade Association = Iceland, Norway, Switzerland, Liechtenstein).




In some circumstances, we may have to disclose your personal information by law, because a court or the police or other law enforcement agency has requested it using the appropriate channels. This includes but is not limited to enforcement authorities for the Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and Dangerous Occurrence Regulations, the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, and any other necessary regulations as part of an enforcement visit or investigation.




We only hold your personal information for as long as is necessary for the reason you provided it to us, as per the processing scenarios described in the sections above. In some cases, there are statutory obligations or industry best practice reasons that dictate the length of time for which we will hold your information. For example, if you make a complaint or feel you may have a legal claim against us, then we will hold your information for the duration of any statutory limitation period associated with such incidents.




We are committed to ensuring that your information is safe and secure whilst under our control to protect against loss, unauthorised disclosure or access. We have put in place suitable physical, electronic and managerial procedures to safeguard and secure the information we collect.



If at any point you suspect or become aware of a security incident (for example you receive suspicious communication from someone claiming to be from Tunnel Tree Tops Limited), please forward the communication to us or report it by email to

If you have been the victim of a fraudulent transaction, please always contact the police and/or your bank in the first instance to ensure your own finances are secure.




Under the GDPR which came into force in May 2018, you have rights as an individual which you can exercise in relation to the information we hold about you. 




Tunnel Tree Tops Ltd. will be as open as it can be in terms of giving people access to their personal information. Individuals can find out if we hold any personal information by making a ‘subject access request’ under the GDPR. If we do hold information about you, we will:


  • give you a description of it;

  • tell you why we are holding it;

  • tell you who it could be disclosed to; and

  • let you have a copy of the information in an intelligible form.


To make a request to us for any personal information we may hold you need to put the request in writing to the email or postal addresses provided below.

We will try to deal with your request informally in the first instance, for example by providing you with the specific information you need over the telephone.




If your details change, or if you think that any of the information that we have about you is incorrect or incomplete, please write to us with any changes you would like made at the contact details below or, if you have signed up to our customer area, you can alter and update your own basic information as required.

Similarly, if you would like to object to any ways in which your data is being processed including removing your consent for marketing, contact us at the details below.




If you have given us your consent to receive marketing messages from us, you can change your mind and remove your consent (opt-out) at any time. Simply send us an email at


Please note that if you have a upcoming booking with us, we will send you service-related emails, even if you have unsubscribed from marketing communications as this is important information you will require for your activity.




We take any complaints we receive very seriously. We encourage people to bring it to our attention if they think that our collection or use of information is unfair, misleading or inappropriate, or if you do not think that we have processed your data in accordance with this notice. We would also welcome any suggestions for improving our procedures.


If you want to make a complaint about the way we have processed your personal information, you can contact us:



We will always try to respond to your enquiry in a reasonable manner, but it may take up to 30 days to investigate and resolve a concern. If your query will take longer than this to investigate and resolve, we will let you know how long it will take.

If you are not satisfied with our response, you can refer the matter to the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO). Information about how to do this is on the ICO website at



If you need to contact us in relation to data protection including exercising your rights regarding your personal information including any of the reasons above, you can contact us:

Tunnel Tree Tops Ltd

Westover Hill

Axminster Road




Tel: 07776 508106


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